Canadian company linked to the Right-Wing Coup in Paraguay: Lugo’s Left-Wing Policies Made Him U.S. Target for Ouster

By Asad Ismi On July 22, one month after being ousted from power in a parliamentary coup, Paraguay’s leftist President Fernando Lugo publicly linked his removal to the interests of a Canadian mining company when he stated: “Those who pushed for the coup are those who want to solidify the negotiations with the multinational Rio […]

The Latin American Revolution (Part 12): Uruguay Makes Big Social Gains Under Left-Wing Government

By Asad Ismi Uruguay, a small South American nation located between Argentina and Brazil, has been carrying forth the Latin American Revolution for the last eight years, with impressive social gains. Two left-wing governments, both of the Frente Amplio political party (Broad Front—FA), have been ruling the country of 3.3 million people since 2004, having […]

The Latin American Revolution (Part 11): Latin American Countries Deepen Integration, Defy the U.S.

By Asad Ismi On December 3-4, 2011, a historic meeting of all 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries took place in Caracas, Venezuela. It was a gathering that significantly advanced the Latin American Revolution. The Presidents of these nations assembled to inaugurate a new regional organization called The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States […]