The Latin American Revolution (Part 18): Hugo Chavez Leaves a Prodigious Legacy That Will Never Die: His Reforms Uplifted All of Latin America

By Asad Ismi Great revolutionary leaders never die. They are immortalized in the hearts of the people they have served. As Aleida Guevara, daughter of Che Guevara, put it: “My father lives in a mountain of people.” So it is with Hugo Chavez, the phenomenal socialist president of Venezuela who died from cancer on March […]

Invasion of Mali is a Resource Grab, Not a War on Terrorists–U.S. Leads Western Powers’ Plunder of Africa

By Asad Ismi France invaded the West African nation of Mali on January 11, with 4,000 troops, jet fighters, and attack helicopters — supposedly to drive out Islamic fundamentalists identified as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), who Paris claims were well on their way to taking over the country. These fundamentalists, however, based in […]

The Latin American Revolution (Part 16): Unbeatable Chavez Wins Re-Election over U.S.-funded Opponent

By Asad Ismi On October 7, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s incumbent socialist President, won his third consecutive presidential election in a major victory for the Latin American Revolution. Chavez made clear in his victory speech that “Venezuela will never return to neoliberalism and will continue in the transition to socialism of the 21st century.” This ensures […]

Oil-Hungry Neocolonialism Rampant in Africa: The U.S. (Via its Proxy) Grabs Half of North Sudan’s Oil: Battle over Africa’s oil could inflame entire continent

By Asad Ismi Continuing its oil-grabbing invasions, which include those of Iraq, Libya and Somalia, the United States recently deployed South Sudan, its newly-created proxy nation, to seize control of North Sudan’s oil. On April 9, South Sudan invaded and captured the oil town of Heglig in North Sudan. The area around Heglig contains about […]