U.S. Sanctions On Iran Could Escalate Into Nuclear Warfare: Fear of Dollar Losing Dominance Fuels U.S. Sabre-Rattling

By Asad Ismi As I write this article (in mid-January), Iran and the United States appear headed towards a war that could escalate into World War III, perhaps even with an exchange of nuclear weapons. The U.S. has accused Iran of developing such weapons and gives this as a reason for imposing economic sanctions on […]

Saudi Arabia Helps Crush the Democratic Uprising in Bahrain: Long-time U.S. Reliance on Saudi oil and Servility at Risk

By Asad Ismi In a display of astounding hypocrisy in mid-August, the Saudi Arabian government denounced the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad as “a killing machine” and recalled its ambassador from Damascus. Saudi Arabia claimed to be outraged by the slaughter of an estimated 2,000 civilian protesters by President Assad’s army aimed at crushing a […]

Yemen’s People Rise Up Against its U.S.-Supported Dictator: U.S. Aid to Yemen Boosted Despite Slaughter of Protesters

By Asad Ismi Hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen have been demonstrating against its dictator, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, for the last five months, in a massive uprising calling for his ouster. A favourite client of the United States, Saleh came to power in a military coup. He has been ruling Yemen for 33 […]

Russia, China, Iran Defeat U.S. in the “Pipeline Wars”

By Asad Ismi A major reason for the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was the building of a pipeline through the country that would take natural gas from Turkmenistan to India and Pakistan. Canada and the other 44 Western countries occupying Afghanistan are supporting this U.S. objective by bolstering Washington’s military position in the […]