U.S. Sanctions On Iran Could Escalate Into Nuclear Warfare: Fear of Dollar Losing Dominance Fuels U.S. Sabre-Rattling

By Asad Ismi As I write this article (in mid-January), Iran and the United States appear headed towards a war that could escalate into World War III, perhaps even with an exchange of nuclear weapons. The U.S. has accused Iran of developing such weapons and gives this as a reason for imposing economic sanctions on […]

New Anti-Capitalist Party Calls for a French Revolution

By Asad Ismi Last February , the New Anti-Capitalist Party (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste, NPA) was founded in Paris with 10,000 members represented by 650 delegates. Almost overnight, the NPA drew 6% of the French electoral vote and its leader, Olivier Besancenot, a 35-year-old postal worker, became the second most popular left-wing politician in France after […]

India Rapidly Re-Emerging as a Global Economic Power

By Asad Ismi The Asian century has arrived. Just as China is now the world’s manufacturing center, India is fast becoming the main provider of its office services. India’s GDP was $800 billion in 2005 and has grown 8.1% a year since 2003 (a rate second only to China’s) and 6% a year since 1991. […]

Amazingly Rapid Economic Growth has Made China “World’s Workshop”

By Asad Ismi China’s economic ascent over the last two-and-a-half decades has been nothing short of astounding. It now has the fastest-growing large economy in the world, having increased by an amazing 9% a year since 1979, a historical record. As one U.S. newspaper put it, “The world has never seen a nation as big […]