Oil-Hungry Neocolonialism Rampant in Africa: The U.S. (Via its Proxy) Grabs Half of North Sudan’s Oil: Battle over Africa’s oil could inflame entire continent

By Asad Ismi Continuing its oil-grabbing invasions, which include those of Iraq, Libya and Somalia, the United States recently deployed South Sudan, its newly-created proxy nation, to seize control of North Sudan’s oil. On April 9, South Sudan invaded and captured the oil town of Heglig in North Sudan. The area around Heglig contains about […]

A U.S.-Made Catastrophe: Most of the Blame for the Crisis in Somalia Goes to the U.S.: U.S. Deploys Military Might in Effort to Control Africa’s Oil

By Asad Ismi The worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world is unfolding in the Horn of Africa, which includes Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Djibouti. This region has been ravaged by the most severe drought in 60 years, affecting 13 million people, those in Somalia suffering the worst impact. According to the United Nations, Somalia […]

Syrian Dictatorship Uses Brute Force on Peaceful Protesters: Western Intervention Has Made Syrian Conflict Worse

By Asad Ismi Encouraged by the success of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, many thousands of Syrians have been demonstrating against the dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad since mid-March. The protestors are calling for Assad to step down and allow democratic elections. Their demonstrations, however, have been met by brute force by the regime’s […]

The Empire Strikes Back: Libya Attacked By The U.S. and NATO

By Asad Ismi No sooner had the popular revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia overthrown corrupt and repressive U.S.-backed dictatorships than Washington and NATO (led by a Canadian general) attacked Libya on March 19 with jet fighters and hundreds of missiles and bombs. The reason given by this coalition of the U.S., Britain, France, Italy and […]