Mass Anti-Neoliberal Protests in Turkey Brutally Repressed: Uprisings Sparked by Soaring Poverty, Inequality, Tyranny

By Asad Ismi Trees sparked the recent widespread civil uprising in Turkey – the biggest such public protest in the history of the Turkish Republic since its formation in 1923. It started on May 27 after a small group of peaceful demonstrators gathered in Istanbul’s Gezi Park in an effort to save its 600 trees […]

Capitalism is the Crisis (Part 4): Protests in Greece Expose Failure of Capitalism in Europe

By Asad Ismi During November 2012, Europe erupted in anti-austerity demonstrations, with protestors clashing violently with police in Spain and Portugal, where general strikes were declared. Millions of European Union (EU) workers participated in the demonstrations, which have spread to Italy, France, and Belgium. Greece has also been paralyzed by many intermittent strikes over the […]

Capitalism is the Crisis (Part 2): India’s Landless People Blame Impoverishment on Capitalism

By Asad Ismi India’s poor rural majority has benefited little from the country’s economic boom, and in fact has seen its position worsen. The same pro-free-market economic reforms that have made India attractive to Western capital and benefited the urban-based middle and upper classes have increased the impoverishment of the rural population which comprises about […]

Syrian Dictatorship Uses Brute Force on Peaceful Protesters: Western Intervention Has Made Syrian Conflict Worse

By Asad Ismi Encouraged by the success of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, many thousands of Syrians have been demonstrating against the dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad since mid-March. The protestors are calling for Assad to step down and allow democratic elections. Their demonstrations, however, have been met by brute force by the regime’s […]