War Crimes: Canada’s Afghanistan “Mission” Cripples Democracy at Home: Torture Cover-up Also Shields World’s Biggest Narco-state

By Asad Ismi Stephen Harper’s Conservative government shut down Parliament until March, mainly to avoid answering politically embarrassing questions about the torture of Canadian military detainees in Afghanistan. Especially disturbing are the allegations–and mounting evidence — that our military was complicit in this torture of captives by Afghan government “interrogators.” The scandal broke in November […]

An Interview With Afghan MP Malalai Joya: Karzai Government Treats Women as Brutally as Did the Taliban

By Asad Ismi Malalai Joya, 29, is the youngest female member of Afghanistan’s parliament and has been elected twice from the western province of Farah. She is a popular women’s rights activist and an outspoken critic of the government of Hamid Karzai and the Northern Alliance, which is now being defended by U.S., Canadian and […]

Afghanistan: U.S. Sets Up and Supports the World’s No.1 “Narco” State

By Asad Ismi The close link between U.S. military and covert intervention and drug trafficking continues in Afghanistan today. When it invaded and occupied the country in October 2001, Washington replaced the ruling Taliban with President Hamid Karzai and the Northern Alliance, a group of warlords whose armies are financed by growing and selling opium. […]