U.S. Sanctions On Iran Could Escalate Into Nuclear Warfare: Fear of Dollar Losing Dominance Fuels U.S. Sabre-Rattling

By Asad Ismi As I write this article (in mid-January), Iran and the United States appear headed towards a war that could escalate into World War III, perhaps even with an exchange of nuclear weapons. The U.S. has accused Iran of developing such weapons and gives this as a reason for imposing economic sanctions on […]

The U.S. Ramps Up its Counterrevolution in the Middle East: Western Powers Want to Maintain Control of Oil-Rich Region

By Asad Ismi While withdrawing 39,000 troops from Iraq, the U.S. recently made clear that it was increasing its forces in the Persian Gulf. A New York Times article — U.S. Planning Troop Buildup in Gulf After Exit from Iraq – reported that “The Obama administration plans to bolster the American military presence in the […]

Syrian Dictatorship Uses Brute Force on Peaceful Protesters: Western Intervention Has Made Syrian Conflict Worse

By Asad Ismi Encouraged by the success of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, many thousands of Syrians have been demonstrating against the dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad since mid-March. The protestors are calling for Assad to step down and allow democratic elections. Their demonstrations, however, have been met by brute force by the regime’s […]

The Empire Strikes Back: Libya Attacked By The U.S. and NATO

By Asad Ismi No sooner had the popular revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia overthrown corrupt and repressive U.S.-backed dictatorships than Washington and NATO (led by a Canadian general) attacked Libya on March 19 with jet fighters and hundreds of missiles and bombs. The reason given by this coalition of the U.S., Britain, France, Italy and […]